Humanistic Language Education Study Group Japan


Based on the principle of Whole Person Education proposed by Carl Rogers, we aim at studying and promoting language education with the primary goal of nurturing learners' humanity and potential. For this purpose, we organize annual study conferences and publish periodical journals.

Coming Events

22 March  2022:  The 2nd study meeting in Nagoya area. 

Venue: JICA Chubu-Nagoya Chikyu Hiroba, Seminar Rooms B1&B2&B3

(13 minutes on foot from Nagoya Station, or take Aonami Line and get off at Sasashima Live, and walk for 5 minutes)

Please refer to the attached file for details.

Our Past Meetings:

(English) Humanistic English Study Group 1st MeetingDate: August 24, 2019 (Sat) 9: 45-15: 20

  • Venue: Seminar room B1-B2, JICA Chubu Nagoya Chikyu Hiroba

  • Content: Lectures and research discussions on English education with emphasis on humanistic Development of Students
  • Participation fee: 1,000 yen (meeting fee, document fee)

  • Participation qualification: Free (we welcome pre-registration as much as possible)
  • Contents:
    10:00-10:20 Member Self-Introduction
    10: 20-11: 20 Lecture "The crisis of humanity in the present age and the possibility of humanistic English education"
    11: 30 ~ 12: 30 Proposal "Proposal of research fields of humanistic language teaching "
    Lunch break from 12:30 to 13:20

13:20-15:00 Exchange of opinions

15:00-Organizational meeting
15:20 Closing

  • Contact: Ohana Gakuen University(0567-97-5503), Aya Yanagida Office

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