
Greeting from the organizers



Hello! My name is Takashi Miura, professor emeritus at Shizuoka University. I have studied an English teaching methodology that facilitates learners' total  and healthy growth as  human beings for these 48 years. 

A new age has come when an inexpensive handy mobile device interprets languages between you and another language speaker instantly and precisely. Don't you wonder whether it is worthwhile to spend such a long time on learning English, if its purpose is merely learning it as a mere tool?  Here is an answer---join our study group.


副会長の柳田綾(桜花学園大学)です。高校教師5年目に休職しアメリカのSchool for International Training 大学院(SIT)で修士号を修得しました。SITの全人間的 (Whole-person & Humanistic )・経験学習的(Experiential) なプログラムでは、徹底的に教師としての自分自身を見つめ直しました。


Hello, I'm Aya YANAGIDA, one of the founders of this study group. I took a leave of absence in the fifth year of my teaching to study abroad, and I completed my master's degree in TESOL at School for International Training, U.S A. At the program of SIT, which valued Whole-person education and experiential learning, I deeply and thoroughly reflected myself as a teacher.

Although learning foreign languages per se is important, I consider it important to understand self and others, be tolerant to differences, and create a better society. Let's learn about English education together - so that students are inspired to reflect their lives and their society. 



Hello, I'm Koji Yamamoto, one of the founders of this study group. I've been involved in global citizenship education since I went to Philippines on a teachers' study tour organized by JICA in 2008.

I am afraid that Japanese high school students, especially earnest students who are highly motivated in entering a "good" university and club activities, are very busy even on weekends. Sorry to say that these students do not seem to know the things in the world and to have a wide horizon. Why don't we think of ways to grow global citizenship in our students through English lessons?

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